Friday, November 23, 2007

Bring It! November 23, 2007

I was so beyond grateful that I got to spend this Thanksgiving with my San Framily, it got me thinking about all the only-in-San Francisco things that make me so thankful I live here (and spend every cent of my disposable income on decadence and frivolity).

Twisted fag hag that I am, I often see the city’s club scene as a metaphor for life. It changes and evolves constantly, and people love to wax sentimental about the good old days, but I’m in a mood to appreciate the here and now.

These days, we have to give to get. Our smaller but more numerous clubs live and die over what we’re willing to bring to the table. Some weeks we’re satisfied, and others we go hungry, but we never have a night off, which means we always have more than enough.

When I have a wildly different take than friends at the same club dancing to the same music, it’s a reminder that there really is something for every dance queen in this town of plenty. The dark and spare beats that do nothing for me obviously scratch an itch for others, probably the same guys who roll their eyes when the screaming divas set me off on the dancefloor.

This give and take is a good thing, exposing us beyond our comfort zone, and keeping us honest about our love of diversity. I say if you can’t be at the club you love, honey, love the clubs you’re at. Keep on bringing it and making the best of it, and eventually you’ll get yours.

Coming up on November 30, I’m trying out Paradise, an all-night disco party at Mezzanine with an 18-piece live band. On December 2 I’ll do my best to get into the frosty spirit of Winter Wonderland Matinee at Temple, and December 5 I’ll be dishing with all the other GLOSS columnists at Lime. I’m especially looking forward to December 9, when I’ll be dancing on the gogo box at The Launch Party at JET, my favorite T-dance in the Gayborhood. I always get the happy vibe I’m looking for there, and with cohosts Bebe Sweetbriar and Heklina raising money for the AIDS Housing Alliance SF, having a good time there means also supporting a good cause, and that’s as good as it gets!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bring It! November 8, 2007

Am I gay yet?

A button with this cute one-liner lives on my purse, my way of wearing my heart on my sleeve. But just when I thought I couldn't possibly be any gayer (or at least as gay as a gay man trapped inside the body of a hetero-flexible married woman can be), I found myself on an Atlantis cruise. My idea of heaven on earth was redefined, broadened to include not only the Castro, but also what my fellow sea-men and I lovingly described as the “dick deck,” by the pool on the big gay party boat.

"Every day in San Francisco is just like being on this boat," I’d explain to anyone who couldn’t quite grasp what I was doing there with 2,100 frolicking boys in Speedos. But that's not exactly true. While there's no place like home, a willingly captive community of happy homos at sea was even better, too good to be true. You know it’s a fabulous event when you come home to San Fran-fucking-cisco and it seems a little less sparkly and swishy!

I'm over my post-cruise blues now that I'm back into the rhythm of life as a circuit sister, drag hag, and gayborhood activist. It’s nice to be reminded that the beauty and magic of San Francisco is that you don't have to go anywhere at all to get your full gay on.

I might have finally earned full-fledged homosexual status on that cruise, going where no straight-ish woman has gone before. If nothing else, I’ve renewed my vow to be the biggest, proudest fag hag I can be, and I hope you’ll join me as I bring some of that smiling, carefree kinship back from utopian Atlantis world to the dancefloors and drag shows of the perpetual gay cruise known as San Francisco.

Join me at Ghetto Disco, the new flaming Friday party at the Endup, or at The Miss Trannyshack pageant on November 17, where I’ll be playing the roles of backup dancer and supportive stage mother to the city’s finest queens in heels. Maybe you’d rather dance with me and the beefcake bears at Basket’s Bombs over the Bay party at Club Eight on November 24, or watch me climb all over the muscle mans at Fresh November 18, and at Industry on November 24. Look for the girl with flowers in her hair, or just look for the girl!

We’ll have a gay old time, and we’ll bring it like San Franciscans do every day of the year!